Video Podcast: Medical School at the Old State House

    With this post we are proud to debut a new series of collections podcasts designed to focus on particular objects in the Old State House Museum Collection.  For the first podcast, we decided to look at the history of the building itself, as it is our largest and most important artifact. The Old State House has had numerous uses since the beginning of its construction in 1833, particularly after the state capitol moved to its current site in 1911.  Several organizations sought shelter at the Old State House prior to the building being re-purposed as a museum in 1949.  Some of these organizations include the Arkansas State Police, various women's organizations, the American Legion, and so on.  But the group that came to dominate the building during this period was the University of Arkansas Medical School. 

   To learn more about the medical school at the Old State House, we visited Dr. Jon Wolfe from UAMS.  Dr. Wolfe has previously curated an exhibit on medical education at the museum and is certainly an expert on the subject.  The two-part video below is the result of our research and interview with Dr. Wolfe.  The images used are almost entirely from the Old State House collection and the UAMS Historical Collections.

Part One

Part Two

For more information about the history of the medical school, consult David Baird's Medical Education in Arkansas, 1879 - 1978.

In the near future, we'll be posting an audio version of the podcast to this site and iTunes.  Additionally, we will make the entire Dr. Wolfe interview available through this site.  To view all our videos, click podcast button in the menu bar at the top of the page. To subscribe to our podcast, click the appropriate button below.
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